Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza, Veneto, 36061

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda: the perfect place for the wine production

The soil, the microclimate, the location and the exposure are the essential elements of the viticulture and they express themselves at their best in Contrà Soarda's wine, making it unique.

This place identity is the secret of the uniqueness of Contrà Soarda's wines.

This area shows a particular microclimate , generated by the thermal inversion caused by the north winds arriving from Valsugana.

Warm days and chilly nights give to the grapes, and to the coming wines, strong aromatic notes and excellent maturation. The freshness of the water coming from the spring underneath the canteen gives the wines a special taste. The wine-making is mostly manual and through techniques that use the physical/chemical laws, as the ancestors always did


Scopri la storia di Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Lifetime winemakers

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda lays on the hills of San Michele of Bassano del Grappa, at the bottom of Altopiano di Asiago: “Soarda” in the toponymy of the area means “ on the slope”.

Gloria and Mirco Gottardi followed their dream of retrieving the natural vocation of the place for the cultivation of vine and olive trees, carried out since the Ezzelino of Romano times, in respect of the tradition and the environment, in order to create an ideal location for the wine production.

For almost a century the Gottardi family passes the devotion for the land cultivation from father to son, so that it elevates it to high levels.

The sky gives, the land receives and grows up the cultures, the man ends up the process.

In 1904 Giovanna and Giovanni Gottardi develop their farm in the countryside just outside Bassano as a “frasca” (branches) : they offer relief to the travellers, thanks to the products of the land cultivated with devotion, refreshing their mouths and their souls with their homemade wine.

In the '60s Beppa and Marcello Gottardi transform the farm into a country “trattoria” (italian local restaurant), called “da Pulierin” where all the family helps out.

In 1986 Gloria and Mirco Gottardi take over the family-run business, in particular using typical products of Bassano area, until the become one of the most appreciated models of venetian traditional restaurants.

The studies of Agronomy and herbal medicine helped Gloria and Mirco Gottardi to realize a dream in 1999: the creation of “Vignaioli Contrà Soarda”, an estate of 12 hectares on the hills just outside Bassano del Grappa, where they produce high quality wines and extra virgin oil.


Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-04
€ 16,80

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-12
€ 31,00

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-05
€ 13,00

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-03
€ 19,80

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-01
€ 13,00

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-10
€ 61,00

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-02
€ 20,50

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-07
€ 61,00

Vignaioli Contrà Soarda

Bassano del Grappa - Veneto

Articolo: 05-08
€ 40,50

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